Wool cycling jersey
Somewhat easier to find than some of the more popular vintage cycling jerseys are generic Vintage Wool Cycling Jerseys. They option have names from old teams and older clubs which actually makes your purchase more interesting.
The biggest issue is what should you buy, a current reproduction of an old jersey from one of the many companies that make new wool jerseys or an older wool jersey. Obviously the newer jersey will be in much better shape but sometimes the pricing is very high. SPECIAL NOTE do not be fooled by some Retro Wool Cycling Jerseys when you are shopping. If you paying top dollar ask about country of origin on the production of the jersey. Many companies are making jerseys off shore and you end up paying top dollar because you think you are buying local.
Note that the listings below are from Ebay. You will notice many different jerseys available and you can scroll through more pages by clicking on the View Page feature at the bottom.